Migrate API Connect Catalogs using CLIs

Rashid · April 2, 2022

A customer of mine was using one of the earliest releases of v10. The standard backup and restore proceess wasn’t applicable due to several reasons.

The goal was to migrate Catalogs content from the current deployment to the new eus deployment - v10.0.1.5-eus at the time.

The process was tricky because of the dependencies between the artifacts. The below diagram illistrates them in high level.

I decided to breakdown the process in 2 stage in order to minimize the errors on the source-instance:

Stage 1: Export from the source-instance

  • Backup encryption-secret
$ oc get secret management-enc-key -n <APIC-namespace> -o yaml > management-enc-key.yaml
  • Backup Management client application credential secrets
$ oc get mgmt -n <APIC-namespace> -o yaml | grep CredentialSecret

For every item in the list, perform:

$ oc get secret <secret_name> -n <APIC-namespace> -o yaml > <secret_name>.yaml

You must edit each of the saved YAML files and remove both the ownerReferences subsection and the selfLink property.

  • Login to API Manager instance
$ apic login --username $username --password $password --server $api_mgmt --realm $realm 
  • Clone APIs & Products
$ mkdir product && cd "$_"
$ apic products:clone --scope space -s $api_mgmt -o $api_org -c $catalog --space $space
  • Clone users, and do the requried changes
$ users=$(apic users:list -s $api_mgmt -o $api_org --user-registry $lur | sed "s| .*||"))
$ userarray=($users)
$ mkdir users && cd "$_"
for user in "${userarray[@]}"; do
    apic users:get $user -s $api_mgmt -o $api_org --user-registry $lur

    # remove identity_provider:
    sed -i '/identity_provider/d' $user.yaml

    # append the default password to the user yaml
    echo "password: 7iron-hide" >> $user.yaml
  • Clone consumer orgs, associate apps, credentials and subscriptions
$ mkdir corgs && cd "$_"
for corg in $(apic consumer-orgs:list --server $api_mgmt -o $api_org -c $catalog | sed "s| .*||"); do
    mkdir $corg  
	cd $corg

    apic consumer-orgs:get $corg -s $api_mgmt -o $api_org -c $catalog

    for app in $(apic apps:list --server$api_mgmt -o $api_org -c $catalog --consumer-org $corg --space $space --space-initiated | sed "s| .*||"); do
            mkdir $app  
            cd $app# get app per consumer org
                apic apps:get $app.yaml --server $api_mgmt -o $api_org -c $catalog--consumer-org $corgmkdir creds 
                cd creds
                    # get cred per app
                    for cred in $(apic credentials:list--server $api_mgmt -o $api_org -c $catalog --consumer-org $corg -a $app | sed "s| .*||"); do
                        apic credentials:get $cred.yaml --server $api_mgmt -o $api_org -c $catalog --consumer-org $corg -a $app
                cd ..  
                mkdir subs  
                cd subs
                    # get products name
                    apic products:list-all --scope space -s $api_mgmt -o $api_org -c $catalog --space $src_space > prod-name-id.txt
                    # get subs per app
                    for sub in $(apic subscriptions:list --server $api_mgmt -o $api_org -c $catalog --consumer-org $corg -a $app | sed "s| .*||"); do
                            apic subscriptions:get $sub.yaml --server $api_mgmt -o $api_org -c $catalog --consumer-org $corg -a $app
                    donecd ../..
	cd ..

Stage 2: Import to the target-instance

  • Apply the Management and Portal encryption secrets to the cluster where you will install API Connect
$ oc apply -f mgmt-enc-key.yaml
  • Add the saved Management encryption secrets to the installation CR
      secret_name: mgmt-enc-key

Install the APIConnect, and wait until it gets successfully ready

  • Import Products
cd products
for product in "$(ls | head -6 )"; do
    # echo $prod
    apic products:publish $product --scope space -s $target_host -o $target_org -c $target_catalog --space $target_space
  • Import users
cd users
for user in "$(ls | head -6 )"; do
    # echo $prod
    apic users:create $user -s $target_host -o $target_org --user-registry $target_lur
  • Import consumers org
cd corgs
for corg in "$( ls | head-6)"; do

    # find the owner name of the corg:
    owner_src_id=$(grep users $corg | sed "s|.*users/||")
    owner_name=$(grep $owner_src_id ../users/* -l | sed "s|.yaml||" | sed "s|.*/||")

    # replace src owner url with target owner url
    sed -i "s|https.*users.*|$target_owner_url|" $corg

    # create the corg in the target catalog
    apic consumer-orgs:create $corg -s $target_host -o $target_org -c $target_catalog
  • Import apps, credentials and subscriptions
for app in $(ls -l apps/* | awk '{ print $1 }'); do
    sed -i '/app_credential_urls/,$d' apps/$app.yaml

    # create app
    apic apps:create apps/$app -s $target_host -o $target_org -c $target_catalog --consumer-org ${PWD##*/} 

    for cred in $(apps/$app/creds/* | awk '{ print $1 }'); do

            if [ $first -eq 1 ]; then

                # update cred
                apic credentials:update credential-for-$app apps/$app/creds/$cred.yaml -s $target_host -o $target_org -c $target_catalog --consumer-org ${PWD##*/} -a $app
                # create cred
                apic credentials:create $cred.yaml -s $target_host -o $target_org -c $target_catalog --consumer-org ${PWD##*/}  -a $app

    for sub in $(apps/$app/subs/*.yaml | awk '{ print $1 }'); do

        prod_id=$(grep \/products\/ $sub | sed "s|.*/products/||")
        prod_name_ver=$(grep $prod_id prod-name-id.txt | sed "s| .*||" | sed "s|:|/|")
        if [ -z "$prod_name_ver" ]; then

        sed -i "s|https.*products.*|$target_product_url|" $sub.yaml

        # create sub
        apic subscriptions:create $sub -s $target_host -o $target_org -c $target_catalog --consumer-org ${PWD##*/} -a $app

For referance, always refer to official documentations apic commands

Shout out to the Kai Mike Zhang, the above works were insprired by the orignal masterpiece he created.