Get Insight out of API Analytics in real-time

Rashid · March 29, 2023

One of the API Connect features is to source out API events to a 3rd party system. In today’s blog, I will offload the events to an IBM Event Streams and connect Apache Flink SQL client to analyze events in real time.

  • First, add the external system configurations to APIConnectCluster CR.
        enabled: true
        output: |
          kafka {
                topic_id => "apic-analytics"
                bootstrap_servers => "hostname:port"
                codec => "json"
                id => "kafka_offload"
                ssl_truststore_location => "/etc/velox/external_certs/offload/truststore.p12"
                ssl_keystore_location => "/etc/velox/external_certs/offload/keystore.p12"
                ssl_truststore_type => "PKCS12"
                ssl_keystore_type => "PKCS12"
                security_protocol => "SSL"
        secretName: offload-a7s-certificates
  • Review the a7s-ingestion pod’s logs, to ensure the connection is completed.

  • I will use Apache Flink SQL client to analyze the incoming events.

Download Apache Flink You can download the files from here:

  • Obtain required dependencies: flink-sql-connector-kafka-1.17.0.jar and kafka-clients-3.4.0.jar. You can download them from the maven repository.

  • Run the SQL client and pass the required JAR files

flink-1.17.0/bin/ --jar flink-sql-connector-kafka-1.17.0.jar --jar kafka-clients-3.4.0.jar
  • Flink SQL terminal will pop up, then you can start by creating the SQL table:
      api_name STRING,
      app_name STRING,
      developer_org_name STRING,
      request_method STRING,
      catalog_name STRING,
      org_name STRING,
      status_code STRING
  ) WITH (
    'connector' = 'kafka',
    'topic' = 'apic-analytics',
    '' = 'flink-consumer-group',
    'properties.bootstrap.servers' = '<bootstrap_route>:443',
    'format' = 'json',
    'scan.startup.mode' = 'earliest-offset',
    'json.ignore-parse-errors' = 'true',
    '' = 'SASL_SSL',
    'properties.ssl.truststore.location' = '<path>/es-cert.p12',
    'properties.ssl.truststore.password' = '*****',
    'properties.sasl.mechanism' = 'SCRAM-SHA-512',
    'properties.ssl.protocol' = 'TLSv1.2',
    'properties.sasl.jaas.config' = ' required username="*****" password="*****";'
  • Finally, you can display and analyze events using regular SQL queries like:
select * from sandboxEvents;