Deploy App Connect on OpenShift

Rashid · September 20, 2019

It is fascinating how integration patterns are transforming toward more light and agile type of architecture. I see cloud-native development approach plays a vital role in this, where each integration service is becoming independent and elastic.

Let’s demonstrates that by deploying App Connect Server on the OpenShift platform. There are two main steps:

  • Install Helm on OpenShift
  • Deploy App Connect via IBM charts

Install Helm

  1. download Helm client
    source /dev/stdin <<< "$(curl -s | tar xz)"
  2. create OpenShift project for Helm server (tiller)
    oc new-project tiller
  3. set the tiller project/namespace .. that will enable Helm client to fetch the server-side
    export TILLER_NAMESPACE=tiller
  4. initialize Helm client
    cd linux-amd64
    ./helm init
  5. set the service-account for Helm server to give it the required access privileges
    oc process -f -p TILLER_NAMESPACE="${TILLER_NAMESPACE}" -p HELM_VERSION=v2.9.0 | oc create -f -
  6. verify Helm client and server deployment
    ./helm version
    Client: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.9.0", GitCommit:"f6025bb9ee7daf9fee0026541c90a6f557a3e0bc", GitTreeState:"clean"}
    Server: &version.Version{SemVer:"v2.9.0", GitCommit:"f6025bb9ee7daf9fee0026541c90a6f557a3e0bc", GitTreeState:"clean"}

Deploy App Connect

  1. create a project/namespace
    oc new-project ace
  2. grant tiller to access the project
    oc policy add-role-to-user edit "system:serviceaccount:${TILLER_NAMESPACE}:tiller"
  3. apply SCC to enable ace with the necessary access permissions
    oc create -f
  4. create a service-account for to blind the SCC with ace deployment
    oc create sa ibm-ace-sa
  5. add the SCC to the service account
    oc adm policy add-scc-to-user ibm-anyuid-scc -z ibm-ace-sa
  6. add IBM charts to your local repo
    helm repo add stable
  7. load App Connect image to local docker registry
    docker load -i ibm-ace-server-
  8. tag App Connect image with your registry host
    docker tag ibm-ace-server: docker-registry.default.svc:5000/ace/ibm-ace-server:
  9. push App Connect image to cluster registry
    docker push docker-registry.default.svc:5000/ace/ibm-ace-server:
  10. deploy App Connect
    helm install --name ace-dev stable/ibm-ace-server-dev --set license=accept --set image.repository.aceonly={docker-repo/ace-image-name} --set image.tag={image-tag}
    • ` you may update the chart values: image path & tag via the cli`
  11. verify the deploymnet
    oc get pod

the result should similar to this

NAME                            READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
ace-ibm-ace-5dcd4976f7-2jzqt    1/1       Running   0          6m
ace-ibm-ace-5dcd4976f7-k4vb5    1/1       Running   0          7m
ace-ibm-ace-5dcd4976f7-xdk6t    1/1       Running   0          7m
tiller-deploy-9d8996745-j5vxq   1/1       Running   0          4h

Big shout out to Rob Convery and his team for the well documented resources: ace-helm & ace-docker