App Connect Enterprise provides a lightweight integration runtime to support the enterprise’s journey towards cloud-native development and adopting the containerization environment. In the following, we will build a custom ACE image based on Red Hat Universal Base Images (UBI), along with additional LoopBack libraries in order to ensrich integration flows.
Download App Connect developer edition (Linux flavor)
Clone the project
git clone
- Move/Copy the App Connect file inside the cloned project (
mv ~/ace-developer-11008.tar.gz ~/ace-docker/deps
Notice that I am using the ace-developer-11008.tar.gz
in the Dockerfile. If you wish to change it, then make sure you update the Dockerfile accordingly.
- Inspect the following
, and notice how loopback-connector-mongodb was added
WORKDIR /var/mqsi/
RUN . /opt/ibm/ace-11/server/bin/mqsiprofile && \
npm install loopback-connector-mongodb --save
Notice that after
USER aceuser
is set, the file starts installing the custom libraries
FROM golang:1.10.3 as builder
WORKDIR /go/src/
ARG IMAGE_REVISION="Not specified"
ARG IMAGE_SOURCE="Not specified"
COPY cmd/ ./cmd
COPY internal/ ./internal
COPY vendor/ ./vendor
RUN go build -ldflags "-X \"main.ImageCreated=$(date --iso-8601=seconds)\" -X \"main.ImageRevision=$IMAGE_REVISION\" -X \"main.ImageSource=$IMAGE_SOURCE\"" ./cmd/runaceserver/
RUN go build ./cmd/chkaceready/
RUN go build ./cmd/chkacehealthy/
# Run all unit tests
RUN go test -v ./cmd/runaceserver/
RUN go test -v ./internal/...
RUN go vet ./cmd/... ./internal/...
ARG ACE_INSTALL=ace-developer-11008.tar.gz
WORKDIR /opt/ibm
RUN mkdir ace-11
RUN tar -xzf $ACE_INSTALL --absolute-names --exclude ace-11.\*/tools --strip-components 1 --directory /opt/ibm/ace-11
ENV SUMMARY="Integration Server for App Connect Enterprise" \
DESCRIPTION="Integration Server for App Connect Enterprise" \
PRODNAME="AppConnectEnterprise" \
LABEL summary="$SUMMARY" \
description="$DESCRIPTION" \
io.k8s.description="$DESCRIPTION" \
io.k8s.display-name="Integration Server for App Connect Enterprise" \
io.openshift.tags="$PRODNAME,$COMPNAME" \
com.redhat.component="$PRODNAME-$COMPNAME" \
vendor="IBM" \
version="" \
release="1" \
license="IBM" \
maintainer="Hybrid Integration Platform Cloud" \
io.openshift.expose-services="" \
# Add required license as text file in Liceses directory (GPL, MIT, APACHE, Partner End User Agreement, etc)
COPY /licenses/ /licenses/
# Create OpenTracing directories, and copy in any library or configuration files available
RUN mkdir /etc/ACEOpenTracing /opt/ACEOpenTracing /var/log/ACEOpenTracing
COPY deps/OpenTracing/library/* ./opt/ACEOpenTracing/
COPY deps/OpenTracing/config/* ./etc/ACEOpenTracing/
WORKDIR /opt/ibm
RUN microdnf install --nodocs openssl util-linux unzip python2 && \
microdnf clean all
COPY --from=builder /opt/ibm/ace-11 /opt/ibm/ace-11
RUN /opt/ibm/ace-11/ace make registry global accept license silently
# Copy in PID1 process
COPY --from=builder /go/src/ /usr/local/bin/
COPY --from=builder /go/src/* /usr/local/bin/
# Copy in script files
COPY *.sh /usr/local/bin/
ADD /usr/local/bin/kubectl
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/kubectl && \
/usr/local/bin/kubectl version --client
# Create a user to run as, create the ace workdir, and chmod script files
RUN useradd -u 1000 -d /home/aceuser -G mqbrkrs,wheel aceuser \
&& su - aceuser -c '. /opt/ibm/ace-11/server/bin/mqsiprofile && mqsicreateworkdir /home/aceuser/ace-server' \
&& chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/*
# Set permissions for OpenTracing directories
RUN chown aceuser:aceuser /etc/ACEOpenTracing /opt/ACEOpenTracing /var/log/ACEOpenTracing
# Set BASH_ENV to source mqsiprofile when using docker exec bash -c
ENV BASH_ENV=/usr/local/bin/
# Expose ports. 7600, 7800, 7843 for ACE; 9483 for ACE metrics
EXPOSE 7600 7800 7843 9483
USER aceuser
WORKDIR /home/aceuser
RUN mkdir /home/aceuser/initial-config && \
chown aceuser:aceuser /home/aceuser/initial-config
WORKDIR /var/mqsi/
RUN . /opt/ibm/ace-11/server/bin/mqsiprofile && \
npm install loopback-connector-mongodb --save
WORKDIR /home/aceuser/ace-server/config/connectors/loopback
RUN touch datasources.json
# Set entrypoint to run management script
ENTRYPOINT ["runaceserver"]
- Navigate to
folder and build the custom ACE integration server
cd ~/ace-docker
docker build -t ace-only:v1 --build-arg ACE_INSTALL=ace-developer-11008.tar.gz --file ubi/Dockerfile.aceonly .